

Simple authentication - each user has access only to resources created by her.

from blargh import engine
from example.cookies import dm

#   1.  Information about resource owner has to be stored somewhere,
#       e.g. as a hidden field - so we add user_id field.
from blargh.data_model.fields import Scalar
dm.object('cookie').add_field(Scalar('user_id', hidden=True, type_=int))
dm.object('jar').add_field(Scalar('user_id', hidden=True, type_=int))

#   2.  Create a custom storage (e.g. extending DictStorage)
from blargh.exceptions import e400, e401, e404
class AuthDictStorage(engine.DictStorage):
    '''Dict storage with authentication.

    All resources must have user_id field. This field should never be set
    by user in an explicit way, so should stay hidden (or readonly).

    This user_id:
        *   is added to saved data in _write_repr
        *   is checked in load()
        *   is added to filter data in selected_ids()
        *   is available via _current_user_id() method

    Note: public methods are documented in engine.DictStorage -
    interface & operation stay the same.
    def load(self, name, id_):
        user_id = self._current_user_id()
        instance_data = super().load(name, id_)
        if instance_data['user_id'] != user_id:
            raise e404('resource does not exist, at least for you, hehehe')
        return instance_data

    def selected_ids(self, name, data):
        user_id = self._current_user_id()
        data['user_id'] = user_id
        return super().selected_ids(name, data)

    def _write_repr(self, instance):
        user_id = self._current_user_id()
        instance_data = super()._write_repr(instance)
        instance_data['user_id'] = user_id
        return instance_data

    def _current_user_id(self):
        '''Return current authenticated user's ID'''
        auth_data =
        if not auth_data:
            raise e401('authentication is required')
        elif 'user_id' not in auth_data:
            raise e400('user_id missing in authentication data')
        user_id = auth_data['user_id']
        return user_id

#   3. TEST
storage = AuthDictStorage({})
engine.setup(dm, storage)
from blargh.api.basic import put, get

#   Attempt to create a cookie without authentication
assert put('cookie', 1, {'type': 'muffin'}) == \
    ({'error': {'code': 'UNAUTHORIZED', 'details': {'msg': 'authentication is required'}}}, 401, {})

#   Authenticated cookie creation
assert put('cookie', 1, {'type': 'muffin'}, auth={'user_id': 1}) == \
    ({'id': 1, 'type': 'muffin'}, 201, {})

#   Single cookie access, by cookie creator and by other user
assert get('cookie', 1, auth={'user_id': 1}) == ({'id': 1, 'type': 'muffin'}, 200, {})
assert get('cookie', 1, auth={'user_id': 2}) == \
    ({'error': {'code': 'OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST',
                'details': {'msg': 'resource does not exist, at least for you, hehehe'}}},
     404, {})

#   Cookie collection access, by cookie creator and by other user
assert get('cookie', auth={'user_id': 1}) == ([{'id': 1, 'type': 'muffin'}], 200, {})
assert get('cookie', auth={'user_id': 2}) == ([], 200, {})

#   Attempt to in-direct cookie modification
assert put('jar', 1, {'cookies': [1]}, auth={'user_id': 1}) == ({'id': 1, 'cookies': [1]}, 201, {})
assert put('jar', 1, {'cookies': [1]}, auth={'user_id': 2}) == \
    ({'error': {'code': 'OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST',
                'details': {'msg': 'resource does not exist, at least for you, hehehe'}}},
     404, {})

Custom Field class 1


Custom Field class 2


Read Only Resources


Resource access restriction


PATCH on a collection